Thursday, April 24, 2008

The First Step

The first step is to realize that you want to enjoy something better than cereal for dinner each night. I have 2 year old twins and a 1 year old little boy, my life was total chaos, and I admit it, my temper always seemed to be on edge and at 4:30 pm I would get so discouraged when I had to think of what to make for dinner. To be honest with you my kids had pancakes and cereal quite often because it was quick and easy and I didn't have to spend 2 hours in the kitchen making dinner.
The real first step is to write down EVERY food item in your kitchen and pantry. (I wrote mine on the back of a store receipt) it doesn't matter right now where it is written just to you know what you have and how much of it there is. I promise after you are through with this step you will never go to the store for laundry soap and leave with $100 of everything BUT the soap. Once you have that list done you need to write down your favorite recipes on a piece of paper and all the ingredients for those dishes, once that is done your are finished with step one.

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